Thursday, March 24, 2011

Want more government support? Ask for some in-kindness

Over the past two years, Arts Build Communities has been interviewing local cultural professionals to find out what works in getting communities to be more supportive of the arts.

Not surprisingly, it's hard to get direct financial support from local governments, unless they have a history of supporting the arts.  But in-kind support can be easier to get.  The types of in-kind support that some municipalities in New Jersey provide include:

*Promotional support for local arts activities through official newsletters and websites
*Low lease rates or donations of unused government facilities.  In one case, a local arts group got an old boathouse that they turned into a gallery.  In another case, a local arts group got office space in an underused municipal building.
*The addition of an arts facility on a government's insurance policy.

(Because the comments were made in focus groups or interviews in which we offered confidentiality, we are not going to reveal the names of these communities.)

It is easier to ask for in-kind support because, as one cultural professional put it, these kinds of requests tend to "fly under the radar" in public meetings where budget line items are challenged or defended.

Easier doesn't always mean easy. Success in getting any support depends on the kind of relationships the local arts community and local arts organizations have with local officials and the communities they care most about.  (Yes, it all comes back to having good relationships with the most influential people.)

If you manage an arts organization, think about all of the administrative costs your organization faces.  What would you like your local government to help with?


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